Contact Page
“If you want to contact me directly, I invite you to use any of methods below. Due to the large amount of messages, I typically respond within 48 hours” – Natasha Anderson
Please feel free to use the form on the left, the social media links above, or my direct email ( to contact me. Whatever you choose, rest assured that I will get your message.
Why do I provide help for free? Truth be told, I enjoy helping others, and I love working in pest control. This blog has given me a voice, and using it to assist others brings me a lot of personal happiness.
Will you answer my questions? Yes, provided you meet my points below, I will definitely get back to you. My average turnaround time is about 48 hours, and I honestly look forward to hearing your story.
What types of messages will be answered?
When I started this blog, one of my major goals was to make sure I was easily reachable by my readers. I have personally experienced the frustration of wanting to ask the author of a post a question, only to have my comments sit unanswered for weeks (sometimes forever). However, to keep things manageable, I have had to put a few restrictions on what gets a personal response. Please keep the following in mind:

QueriesSince I specialize in pest control, please keep your queries focused on insects and getting rid of them. If you have any major health concerns, I cannot help you (I am not a doctor), and I recommend that you seek medical advise. Lastly, keep sending me your success stories, as I love them.

Article Corrections
Although my content goes through a fairly vigorous editorial process, it’s possible that something could sneak though. If you think something is incorrect (especially if you are qualified in Entomology or work at a pest control company), please let me know and I will take action immediately.

Supporting My Work
Since I earn an income from adverts, if you read my content on a regular basis you are already supporting my work. If you want to do more, please consider buying my self-published book on flea control, and sharing my blog with your friends on your social media as the exposure really helps me.
A couple more points, and my final thoughts:
I do not accept guest posts on my blog: I take pride in controlling the content creation process from start to finish. This allows me to make sure that research is performed on non-tertiary sources, the information is easy to read and accurate, and the content is reviewed by certified experts. Although this might sound a bit pedantic, I don’t want to risk misleading my readers with any guest writers.
No backlink requests will be considered: I only link to authoritative resources that both back up my content with evidence, and offer real value to my readers. The only time that I change an external reference is if the resource no longer exists (or is no longer accurate), and this is done during my 6-month review. Please do not reach out offering to pay for links; you will be ignored and blocked.
I don’t do paid reviews of any products: Although I have nothing against reviewing a product that I think will benefit my readers, I have a strict policy of no paid reviews (or even affiliate links). This is a personal decision, as I think that it is rather hard to be unbiased about a solution if you are making a profit from it. I want people to trust my recommendations without worrying about any agenda.
Thanks for visiting my contact page, and I hope to hear from you soon. If you want to learn a bit more about my article creation process (including why I write everything myself), how I make sure my content is error-free, and lots of other information, please click here to go to my about page.