The Fruit Fly Life Cycle and Lifespan

The fruit fly life cycle is a very interesting subject and is a necessary one to review if you have a few buzzing around your house. I have written briefly about this subject in another article but since then, I have been bombarded with additional questions and requests for more pictures so I decided to dedicate an entire article to this subject. Nobody likes the embarrassment of having them around your house when you have guests around to visit, not to mention the potential health risks it causes. It also gives the impression that you are unclean and although many have tried to fix the problem, unfortunately it can be very hard if you do not educate yourself about these red eyed bugs.

Fruit flies breed very fast and I have personally found that if you do not kill them at their source, you are going to be fighting a loosing battle. However, the fruit flies life cycle is actually quite amazing and will help you to understand more about how fruit flies reproduce. If you have ever wondered how fruit flies undergo the transformation from egg to that irritating bug that always seems to find its way into your fruit bowl, you have come to the right place. Understanding how they breed is one of the first steps that you can take in order to learn how to remove fruit flies. All the information has been carefully researched and will help you to learn more about the common household fruit fly in its early developmental phases. You can then use this valuable information about fruit fly reproduction to help you control your fly problem, which is the first step before you use fruit fly traps.

Fruit Fly Eggs – Where the Fruit Fly Life Cycle Begins

The First Step In The Reproduction Process

Picture of fruit fly eggs

Fruit Fly Eggs

Fruit flies usually lay their eggs in an area where their newborn babies have a place in which to feed when they hatch. This includes the Mediterranean fruit fly. This is very important as they are fairly immobile and depend upon their surroundings to sustain themselves. The most common place where a female fruit fly will lay her eggs is inside rotting fruit as the fermentation process creates additional sugar which is perfect for her offspring. The mother fruit fly also needs the temperature to be around 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Although research shows that they can exist in slightly higher temperatures, (provided there is a high humidity) the place where she lays her eggs should not be below 20 degrees otherwise the baby fruit flies run the risk of dying which will bring an end to the life cycle of fruit fly. When she lays her eggs, she usually has enough to produce about 200-500 baby fruit flies. What makes things worse is that as soon as the female babies climb out of these fruit fly eggs, they are able to start reproducing about 24 hours later. The entire process of laying eggs to the time it takes for there to be a irritating fruit fly buzzing around your head is about 7 to 13 days so its no wonder that once you have a fruit fly problem that it can be so hard to get rid of it.

Fruit Fly Larvae – Halt! Maggot Time!

The Second Step In The Fruit Fly Life Cycle

Picture of fruit fly larvae

Fruit Fly Larvae

Fruit fly larvae is the next phase once the eggs have hatched. If you recall, fruit fly eggs take about 10 days to hatch, provided the conditions are right (temperature, etc) and these little worms are what pop out of those little shells. Their immediate requirement is to feed on a surgary substance and hence why it was critical that their mom placed them in a suitable area.

Worms are typically defined as having a long, thin body whereas the larvae we are referring to is short and fat. Take a few moments to examine the picture on the left to see what I mean. These maggots stay in this phase for a couple days, gouging themselves on as much food as they possibly can. Once your fruit has been infected with them, please make sure that you throw them away immediately and not just cut off the bad part. The reasoning behind it is because there is usually a large amount of bacteria present and exposure to it can cause you to become very sick so rather be safe then sorry. For more information, check out this article that contains info about the various stages of fruit fly growth.

Fruit Fly Puparium – The Metamorphosis Begins

The Third Step In The Fruit Fly Life Cycle Time

Picture of fruit fly puparium

Fruit Fly Puparium

At this point the larvae has consumed enough food and grown enough to grow a hard outer skin that will house it for about 4-6 days. While in this protect layering, a process known as metamorphosis takes place. It is a natural phenomenon that allows a living creature to change from one form to another and is an important part of a fruit fly lifespan. In this case, it will be transforming from a fat maggot to a winged insect which is nothing short of amazing. Its important to note that during the fruit fly puparium phase, the larvae does not feed on anything at all and depends completely on the food that it has stored in the previous stage of its lifespan. The fruit fly is almost ready to be born and reproduce and its been under a week since it was conceived. This extremely fast reproduction rate is one of the reasons why its hard to free yourself from a fruit fly infestation.

The Baby Fruit Fly Arrives!

The Last Step In The Fruit Fly Life Cycle

Last step of the fruit fly reproduction phases

Fruit Fly Life Cycle

As soon as the fruit fly comes out of the temporary home that kept it safe for a couple days, it is able to fly and feed on your precious fruit and vegetables. After a mere 60 hours or so, these new fruit flies are able to find a mate and lay their own set of eggs, with each generation bringing about 300 new fruit flies into existence. If you already have a major infestation, I highly recommend that you follow this article on how to make your own fruit fly trap from home.

So as you can see, these fruit flies can not only be a frustration to you and your family, but they can also pose a rather serious health risk, given that they hang around rotten food that’s fill of bacteria so if you have any around your house, I suggest that you try and get rid of them as soon as possible. Thanks for reading my article and don’t forget to share it with your friends so that they can also learn about the life cycle of fruit flies! 🙂


  1. Avatar Isabelle says:

    Hi- I use a “compound bucket” (a 5-gallon container) with a lid as my outdoor compost bin. I usually dump it out once a week at our town’s compost site. Fruit flies (which are both flying around the outside the bucket, as well as sneaking inside) lay eggs on the outside of the lid. When it rains and water collects on the lid, I can see hundreds of fruit fly maggots submerged in the water. We have been collecting them to feed to our pet newts (eft stage). The thing that is interesting is that the maggots seem to be able to survive for quite a while in the water, i.e. they don’t drown. How long can a fruit fly maggot survive submerged in water? Hi again- Just told my daughter that I had posted my question on your site and she added: The larvae are “comatose” in the water, but once on a dry surface, they begin squirming like crazy. I read on another website that there is research on drowning being done on adult fruit flies. An adult fruit fly can survive up to 12 hours under water by going into a “coma”, up to 72 hours if the water is very cold. Upon being taken out of the water, they come out of the coma. Perhaps this is what is happening with the larvae?

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Isabelle! I don’t know offhand how long they can survive underwater but yes, it is the same thing that is happening. Maybe insects can last a very long time underwater by doing that, fruit flies included (especially in the larvae stages). Hope that helps and thanks for stopping by, best regards to your daughter 🙂

  2. Avatar Dina says:

    Dear Natasha

    Thanks so much for the great info … it was my garbage disposal where they began I figured out … I’ve done the cleaning and set the traps but theres a lot flying around the kitchen and den … will they find the traps and die or lay eggs someplace else ? Nonfood or fruit anywhere – no place to host the comditions you described – I don’t think … I’m freaked out by this whole thing … help!

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Dina! If you have the traps out, you keep everything clean (spotless for now) and take out the rubbish immediately, you will find their numbers decreasing. If it seems worse after 5 days, let me know and I will help you.

  3. Avatar Karen Fallot says:

    Thank you for the information–I wondered how long the lifespan was and how long the different stages take because we’re anxiously awaiting our fruit flies to become adults so that we can feed our baby praying mantids! I’m glad it’s a quick turnaround; we need more fast!

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Karen! Hehe awesome, thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment!

  4. Avatar Glenn Sloggett says:

    I came across a new way of getting rid of Fruit Flies much better than vinegar traps. I was washing dish and letting them soak in the sink when I noticed the large amount of died fruit flies in the foam. So I took some other containers and filled them with soapy water making sure there was foam on the top and placed them around the house. Well to my amazement these traps caught hundreds of flies in just a short time, the soap I was using is Palmolive Ruby Red Grapefruit dish soap. I haven’t tried any other brands because this worked so well. I tried just the soap but it didn’t work with out the foam. Hope this will help others with this pest.

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Glenn! Goodness, that sounds fantastic! I will definitely check this removal process out, thanks for sharing your wisdom!

  5. Avatar Gary MacPHEE says:

    I live in a rural farm area on the Eastern Shore of VA? “(Delmarva Penninsula). We got bugs tis time of year. End of Sept. through Oct. Corn & soy are main crops & the flies are attracted to the decaying corn silk.
    They stopped planting tomatoes 2 yrs. ago. Thank the Lord! We had more fruit flies that you could imagine.
    They’re a part of life if you live anywhere near a farm. So, just live with it & stock up on red wine vinegar.

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Gary! Thanks for sharing your experience, best of luck fighting these little beasts hehe.

  6. Avatar Tiffany says:

    I have one of those motion sensor garbage cans and this is the second year I have found these little pests maggots running around my trash can lid this time I took it apart and they are inside where the motor is too !!! And in my charcoal filter soo gross ! Hopefully I can tape the holes and they won’t lay anymore eggs !!

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Tiffany! I hope so as well, let me know how it goes!

  7. Avatar Travis Young says:

    I was separating my milk kefir last night and I looked down after a minute and found a fruit fly (knat looking flying bug) down in my kefir grains and fresh mil. i immediately pulled it out and put it down the sink. Do you think the fly would have had time to lay it’s eggs? It was actually down in the liquid when I found it.

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Travis, hard to say, but I personally wouldn’t worry. Hope that helps.

  8. Avatar Addie says:

    Thank you so much for this, I am doing a Science Fair project on them. This is going to be quite useful. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Addie! It is a pleasure, good luck!

  9. Avatar Ric Lambart says:

    Hi Natasha,

    Great write up on the ubiquitous fruit fly, which comes to visit my place every summer – or whenever it’s warm enough for a few days. I’ve found two methods which seem to work very well to either eliminate them altogether or keep them from being populous enough to even be noticed:

    1) Take a mason jar and, using the ring styled lid (rather than the full cap/lid), simply quickly roll a small sheet of paper into a cone, leaving a tiny hole (just big enough for the typical local fruit fly to pass) in the narrow end, then, holding it pointed end into the jar, bend over the edges touching the jar’s open rim, and then trim off the excess of the paper outside of the opening. When I screw on the lid/ring, the assembly becomes a perfect trap – into which I of course plant a ripe banana or some other extra ripe sweet fruit.

    The little buzzing creatures soon detect the delectable contents of the jar left sitting on a kitchen window sill, crawl through the tiny hole at the base of the cone, and remain for the rest of their days inside the jar feasting on the fruit but out of my home’s open spaces (seem impossible for them to remember how they got into the trap!).

    When I get several hundred of them inside, I take the jar a good distance from my home and release them into the wild. Being a vegan, I always have a comparatively huge amount of ripening fruit around, which seems to attract them from my compost area in the back yard. And, for those not inclined to have mercy on the tiny defenseless insects, when the population becomes overly annoying inside the trap, it can be place in the freezer over night, where it will soon become a mass genocidal grave for these overly friendly critters.

    2) The second approach, for those inclined to prefer quickly terminating their little lives, is to put some relatively human-safe Truvia® sweetener inside the jar, since that rather quickly kills them [it’s the Erythritol they add to the natural Stevia in the product that’s deadly – see article in Nature World News – – – and so I choose not to use it.

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Ric! Thanks for your fantastic comment. I really appreciate it. The steps you provide will be super useful, both to me and the community. Have a good one!

  10. Avatar Kate says:

    Thx, I really appreciate it. I am doing science fair on this topic

    • Natasha Anderson Natasha Anderson says:

      Hi Kate! It is a pleasure, hope it goes well 🙂

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